The Italian Law Enforcement Agencies are Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza e Polizia Locale. Law enforcement agencies have two functions: the prevention of crimes and the prosecution of crimes. If a crime is committed the Police (called Polizia Giudiziaria) investigate the facts. The Police are bound to be objective and neutral in carrying out their investigations and have to look for both incriminating as well as exculpating evidence. The Police has to inform the defendant about his rights in the proceedings.
Reporting a crime or filing a complaint is free of charge, does not require formalities and can be done verbally or in writing. You should include as many details as possible to help the investigation: day, time, place and circumstances of the crime, identification of the suspect(s) and the names of any witnesses and any other evidence.
When the victim reports a crime or files a complaint, he/she is entitled to receive a certificate showing that the complaint was registered, that is, a document confirming that the complaint was made and stating the type of crime, along with the date and place, and the harm caused.
Furthermore the Police is obligated to inform you about your rights as a victim.
For information on Law Enforcement Agencies and their work read here
To locate the nearest Police Station click here
To locate the nearest Carabinieri Station click here